Papilla regeneration in cases of multiple-implant restorations in the aesthetic zone: case report
Department of removable prosthodontics, ABCDF Laboratory of Biological, Clinical and Dento-Facial Approach (LR12ES10), faculty of dental medicine, university of Monastir, Tunisia, Tunisia
Data nadesłania: 08-08-2024
Data ostatniej rewizji: 07-09-2024
Data akceptacji: 10-03-2025
Data publikacji: 16-03-2025
Autor do korespondencji
Ines Saadellaoui
Department of removable prosthodontics, ABCDF Laboratory of Biological, Clinical and Dento-Facial Approach (LR12ES10), faculty of dental medicine, university of Monastir, Tunisia, Tunisia
Prosthodontics 2025;75(1):55-61
Establishing good aesthetics and harmony
between the implant-supported crown and the
adjacent natural teeth is a critical challenge
during the reconstruction of an edentulous
space in the anterior maxilla. This article has
presented, step by step, a technique of obtaining
a harmonious scalloped gingival display. A
meticulous approach was taken to ensure the
proper positioning of the implants, maintaining
adequate inter-implant distance and supporting
the surrounding soft tissues. A pseudo-natural
gingival profile was obtained through the use of a
multiple implant-retained provisional restoration
in the anterior region in order to reconstruct
the inter-implant papilla. The provisional
restoration was initiated in the second stage
of the surgery, enabling optimal soft tissue
healing and adaptation. Primitive regenerated
papillae were obtained after six weeks,
demonstrating the effectiveness of this technique
in enhancing aesthetic outcomes. Successful
papilla reconstruction depends on specific
conditions related to implant positioning and the
characteristics of the provisional restoration,
which significantly enhance the probability of
achieving optimal aesthetic outcomes.