Evaluation of mechanical properties in stress distribution simulation of implant-abutment system
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Department of Prosthodontics, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Department of Biomaterials and Medical Appliances, Silesian University of Technology
Acceptance date: 2023-03-27
Publication date: 2023-03-27
Prosthodontics 2023;73(1):29-37
The improvement of implantoprosthetic treatment methods and the development of material science dictate the need for research that also evaluates the mechanical and physicochemical properties of implant abutments so that their proper selection can be made. Attempts to determine the suitability of ceramic and hybrid abutments on the basis of research has important implications for clinical practice.

Aim of the study:
To evaluate the mechanical properties in the simulation of stress distribution in the implant-hybrid abutment and implant-all-ceramic abutment system, by means of the finite element method (FEM).

Material and methods:
The system used for the study was Replace Select Tapered Rp 4.3 mm implant and 13 mm in length – metal-ceramic hybrid abutment and an analogous Replace Select Tapered Rp implant – individual abutment made entirely of ceramic material. Geometrical models of the components of the system were prepared: the implant, the abutment screw, the hybrid abutment consisting of a TisAlaV ELI titanium alloy platform and a ceramic ring, and an all-ceramic tray. A physical model was prepared based on technical documentation. Simulation studies were performed in ANSYS Workbench software according to the standard, where Wöhler fatigue curves were generated to determine potential damage-prone areas.

The all-ceramic system, as well as the hybrid system, did not exceed the yield strength of the material. The results obtained in the simulation study confirmed the infinite durability of the structure.

FEA analysis and the obtained results of minimum strength values testify to the stability of the tested structures. None of the systems, either hybrid or all-ceramic, exceeded the yield strength of the material.
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