Assessment of musicians’ awareness in terms dental hard damage tissues caused by playing wind instruments
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Department of Prosthodontics, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Katedra Protetyki Stomatologicznej Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Katedrze Protetyki Stomatologicznej, Polska
Submission date: 2020-02-12
Final revision date: 2020-04-04
Acceptance date: 2020-08-31
Publication date: 2020-09-05
Corresponding author
Kamila Martyna Wróbel-Bednarz   

Katedra Protetyki Stomatologicznej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Nowogrodzka 59, 02-006, Warszawa, Polska
Prosthodontics 2020;70(3):241-253
Playing on the wind instruments can cause injuries in the stomatognathic system. For this reason, dentists are observing an increasing number of patients experiencing facial cranial problems arising from playing wind instrument. Regular dental visits alows to prevent these health problems.

The assessment of awareness of mouthguards usage among wind-instruments musicians and freaquency of anterior teeth damage occurance in study group.

Material and methods:
A survey by means of a questionnaire consisting of fifty questions was conducted, addressed to people who play wind instruments, via thematic internet fora and interest groups in Poland and abroad. The study group consisted of 1067 people, including 370 women (35%) and 697 men (65%) aged 10 to 80 years. The mean age was 23 years. Musicians were divided into two groups depending on the type of instrument: woodwind (470 people) and brass (597 people).

As many as 27% of respondents reported excessive tooth mobility. About 17% of respondents reported excessive attrition with prevalence of women playing wind instruments (p = 0.02) and professional musicians (p = 0.01). Only 2% of respondents used mouthguards when they played. 35.61% of respondents visited the dentist regularly every six months.

Musicians playing wind instruments constitute a group requiring increase of the level of awareness in terms of the damage risk and the prevention of stomatognathic system. Knowledge of dentists and hygienists regarding the prevention and treatment of this specific population plays a very important role, with particular emphasis on proper hygiene of the mouth and the instrument, and indications for the mouthguard usage.
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