Speech assessment in a prosthetically rehabilitated patient after partial
maxillectomy – case report
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Poradnia Gerostomatologii, Uniwersyteckie Centrum Stomatologii i Medycyny Specjalistyczne sp z o.o., Polska
Poradnia Protetyki Pooperacyjnej, Uniwersyteckie Centrum Stomatologii i Medycyny Specjalistycznej sp. z o. o., Polska
Logopedia, Centrum Medyczne Persona, Polska
Katedra i Klinika Protetyki Stomatologicznej i Klinika Gerostomatologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego, Polska
Submission date: 2022-05-17
Final revision date: 2022-06-22
Acceptance date: 2022-09-06
Publication date: 2022-09-06
Corresponding author
Martyna Alicja Kupka
Poradnia Gerostomatologii, Uniwersyteckie Centrum Stomatologii i Medycyny Specjalistyczne sp z o.o., Bukowska 70, 60812, Poznań, Polska
Prosthodontics 2022;72(3):250-259
Patients who undergo
oncological surgery due to midface neoplasms
require postoperative team care in order to restore
the proper functions of chewing, swallowing and
speech. The damage to the natural barrier between
the oral and nasal cavities causes the passage of
air between these spaces leading to deterioration
in articulation and speech understanding. The aim
of prosthetic treatment is to restore the continuity
of the missing structures through denture with
an obturator. Its tightness improves speech and
swallowing, and thus increases the quality of life.
Complementing the prosthetic treatment with
speech therapy care provides patients with easier
adaptation to new articulation conditions.
Aim of the study:
To evaluate the speech in a
patient who underwent partial resection of the
upper jaw and was fitted with a complete denture
with an obturator.
Speech assessment was performed
by a speech therapist on the basis of the Speech
Disorders Diagnostic Questionnaire with
particular emphasis on aphasia and dysarthria.
The study was conducted before and after
prosthetic treatment.
Case report:
The paper presents a clinical
case of a patient a few years after maxillary
resection in the anterior region. In addition,
the patient was edentate in the maxilla and the
mandible. The patient was fitted with an upper
late post-resection denture with an obturator and
a complete lower denture.
The use of a denture with an
obturator significantly improved the quality of
the patient’s speech. In this patient the speech
pathology was defined as postoperative oncogenic
dyslalia. The patient was recommended speech