Assessment of the quality of life of adolescents and „young” aduls after prosthetic treatment of craniofacial congenital and acquired disorders
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Katedra Protetyki Stomatologicznej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Zakład Chirurgii Stomatologicznej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Publication date: 2019-08-12
Prosthodontics 2019;69(3):282-291
Prosthetic rehabilitation of children and adolescents with developmental disorders of the craniofacial region is a multistage process requiring the cooperation of doctors representing different specializations. The major causes of craniofacial disorders in juvenile patients include congenital developmental defects such as cleft lip and palate, hypodontia, oligodontia or ectodermal dysplasia. Acquired defects are due to dental traumas or loss of teeth secondary to considerable damage to hard tissues resulting from carious lesions. Changes in facial appearance, as well as the stigma of ‘otherness’ in the case of many developmental defects, give rise to many problems in interpersonal contacts and self-assessment. Prosthetic rehabilitation is aimed at improving functions and restoring lost or damaged tissues, as well as at improving physical appearance and self-esteem of young patients.

To assess the quality of life of children and “young” adults after prosthetic treatment of disorders of the craniofacial region by means of the OHIP-49 (Oral Health Impact Profile) questionnaire.

Material and methods:
The study evaluated the quality of life of patients using the OHIP-49 questionnaire. In the group of 30 patients (10 female and 20 male) between the ages of 2.5 and 30 years, the survey was performed twice – before and after prosthetic rehabilitation. It assessed individual quality of life parameters in the following categories: limitations in functions, pain sensations, psychological problems, physiological, mental and social limitations or disorders and difficulties resulting from orofacial deformations.

The assessment of the quality of life of the treated patients and the analysis of the obtained results revealed the improvement in all the examined parameters.

1. Prosthetic rehabilitation of children and adolescents presenting with disorders of the craniofacial region has an impact on improving the quality of their daily lives. 2. Prevention of consequences of the stomatognathic system disorders in this group of patients clearly indicates the purposefulness of undertaking prosthetic rehabilitation at different stages of development and its great significance in the social dimension.
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