Hypersensitivity to metal alloys used in prosthodontics – literature revie
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Zakład Protetyki Stomatologicznej, Katedra Stomatologii Odtwórczej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Department of Prosthodontics, Chair of General Dentistry, Medical University of Lodz
Publication date: 2019-03-12
Prosthodontics 2019;69(1):57-67
Dynamic development of technology employed in prosthetic restorations calls for a discussion on tolerance to dental materials. Due to a huge variety of materials used in prosthodontic treatment, the issue of hypersensitivity to metal alloys is still unexplored. The aim of the study is to analyse the available literature on hypersensitivity to metal alloys used in prosthetic treatment. Due to technological progress, tolerance to dental materials is still an unresolved matter. Prophylaxis of hypersensitivity to metals applied in prosthetic treatment should primarily involve conducting a detailed anamnesis and thorough physical examination. Doctors, in their clinical management, should do their best to reduce the number of metal alloys and to keep medical records of their professional activity. Any laboratory process should guarantee maintaining adequate technological parameters which are required in the fabrication of prosthodontic restorations. The doctor and the dental technician, who provide the patient with prosthodontic appliances, should be equally responsible for preventing hypersensitivity to the applied materials.