Direct modelling of mouthguard pattern using modified impression tray
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Katedra Protetyki Stomatologicznej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Polska
Zakład Propedeutyki i Profilaktyki Stomatologicznej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Submission date: 2019-04-11
Final revision date: 2019-07-07
Acceptance date: 2020-01-22
Publication date: 2020-03-02
Corresponding author
Katarzyna Mańka-Malara   

Katedra Protetyki Stomatologicznej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, ul. Nowogrodzka 59, 02-006, Warszawa, Polska
Prosthodontics 2020;70(1):23-32
Ethylene-vinyl-acetate (EVA) custom-made mouthguards – the most common type – have one significant drawback – during fabrication the material is stretched and thinned. Many authors describe possible solutions to this side effect. However, other materials are currently available that enable manufacturing of mouthguards of predictable size. Although they have appropriate shock-absorbing properties, the laboratory procedure is more complex.

Aim of the study:
To propose a new, simplified method of custom-made mouthguards formation.

Material and methods:
Sixty custom-made mouthguards, prepared for 30 athletes, were assessed. They were fabricated on the basis of directly modelled mouthguard pattern. Modified double-arch impression on adapted upper arch tray was taken and then silicone pattern was adjusted. Thirty mouthguards were fabricated using Impak material (Vernon – Benshoff Comp., USA) and another thirty using Corflex Orthodontic material (Pressing Dental, Italy). All protective splints were evaluated clinically.

All assessed appliances were rated as correct, meeting the quality criteria for custommade mouthguards. Relations between the maxilla and the mandible were correct, the occlusal contacts were optimal and evenly distributed. Protective splints did not require adjustments of the insertion track, and had optimal retention, fit and correct dimensions.

Direct modelling of mouthguard pattern using modified impression tray is easy to perform, giving the opportunity to verify and correct the mouthguard pattern at a preliminary stage without introducing significant adjustments to the final splint. This method can be successfully used clinically.
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