Impact of aging on oral tissue: navigating the interplay for comprehensive geriatric oral health
Department of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, JSS Dental College and Hospital. A Constituent College of JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysore-570015 Karnataka, India
JSS Dental College and Hospital . A Constituent College of JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research. Mysore - 570015, Karnataka, India
Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, JSS Dental College and Hospital. A Constituent College of JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysore-570015 Karnataka, India
Data nadesłania: 09-10-2024
Data akceptacji: 09-12-2024
Data publikacji: 16-03-2025
Autor do korespondencji
Vidya G Doddawad
Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology , JSS Dental College and Hospital. A Constituent College of JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research. Mysore-570015, Karnataka, India
Prosthodontics 2025;75(1):89-100
The term “age changes” refers to all the changes that occur in the body from birth to death. However, it is usual to consider age changes as those which are evident in later life. Aging is a natural process. It has a major impact on the quality of life of an individual. Age-related wear of tooth surfaces reduces enamel thickness, leading to exposure to deeper layers of the enamel. Age-related changes in dentine involve the formation of tertiary or sclerotic dentine, which reduces the lumen of the dentinal tubules. This leads to a reduction in permeability and a subsequent reduction in the volume of the pulp chamber. Gingival recession is a leading cause of root caries in geriatric individuals. Elderly patients, particularly postmenopausal women report loss of sensation of taste and a burning sensation in the oral mucosa as they age. There are prominent changes in the composition and consistency of saliva, which also affects the individual’s perception of taste and leaves them prone to conditions such as xerostomia. The aging effects on the oral cavity impact an individual’s overall well-being; the understanding of its process, as well as differentiating it from pathological changes, can help in providing comprehensive oral healthcare to geriatric patients and improving their quality of life.
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