Assessment of the microhardness and roughness of zirconium oxide used in the production of individual ceramic implant abutments
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Prosthodontics, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Polska
Wydział Biomateriałów i Urządzeń Medycznych, Politechnika Śląska
Katedra Materiałów inżynierskich i biomedycznych, Politechnika Śląska
Submission date: 2019-11-06
Acceptance date: 2020-03-02
Publication date: 2020-03-02
Corresponding author
Bohdan Bączkowski   

Prosthodontics, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Binieckiego 6, Warsaw, Polska
Prosthodontics 2020;70(1):33-42
Contemporary clinical and laboratory procedures in the field of permanent prosthetic restorations based on dental implants, as well as patient expectations, are heading towards obtaining better and better aesthetic and biomechanical effects. The development of dental material science will lead the way towards gradual elimination of metal alloys from dental prosthetics. The use of zirconium oxide in individual implant abutments has enabled the introduction of biocompatible elements. This excluded the occurrence of a gray translucency in the marginal gingival area – a frequent aesthetic defect associated with the abutment colour, especially in the case of a thin gingival biotype.

Aim of the study:
To carry out laboratory assessment of the microhardness and roughness of zirconium oxide used in the production of individual ceramic implant abutments.

Material and methods:
The test material consisted of 20 samples of zirconium oxide, cylindrical in shape, with a height and diameter of 10 mm, respectively. The first group consisted of 10 samples of Wieland material (Wieland, Germany), and the second group consisted of 10 samples of Robocam material (Robocam, Poland).

The physicochemical properties of hardness and roughness of the tested Wieland and Robocam materials are within the permissible standards and can be used in the manufacture of implant abutments.

Basing on the authors’ research studies and experience, it can be concluded that Wieland oxide ceramics are characterized by less favourable properties in comparison with Robocam ceramics, which may affect clinical conditions.
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